Montag, 23. Februar 2015

14 facts about me

Evening sweeties,
Today I wrote you a personal  post so you get to know me a little bit better.
I decided to tell you 14 facts about me. But why 14? The answer is quite simple I was born on 14 august so for me 14 is my lucky number.

Lets start with my mysterious crazy facts

1. I am a happy nature and almost always in a good mood. I love to go for long walks with my lovely dad or spend the summer evenings with my family or friends with some barbecue.

2. I love sports. I just love it to run, lift weights, jump and play arround. But unfortunately I don't like playing in teams... I like to do my own thing so nobody can influence me with their bad mood or attitudes. At school during sports lessons everybody was my ennemy. Sorry to all my schoolmates. Haha

3. I love cats. Since I was a little girl we always had a cat. I love it when a cat jumps on my knees and wants to be pet or just sleeps there while I am watching Tv. They don't need that much attention and they can stay outside while I am not home. The one I have is called Wuschi (my sister gave her this ridiculous name) its a 7 year old girl and she is three colored- white with black an brown "dots" & on her left side she has a black heart. Yeah. Here comes the biiig BUT I am alergic to cats. Yep but I have one haha. I have to wash my hands after I played with her, if I don't I ll sart sneezing, can't breathe very good an my eyes get red. So I know how it works.

4. I am a salad freak... I need salad every day or at least 4 times a week. In general I love vegetables and fruits. Except potatoes I don't like them but as they are healthy I eat them from time to time. I prefer sweet potatoes.

5. As I was born in summer I love the sun the sea and beaches. I d love to have a cottage house near the sea so I could spend my summers there. I feel free in summer all these light clothes, cocktails and my hair gets lighter, skin gets darker and days get longer and warmer.

6. I prefer 10-13cm high heels. I don't know why but in smaller heels I can't walk haha

7. I don't like waiting on bus stations or wait for something at all. I prefer running to the busstop and then bus arrives while I am still running. Here in luxembourg I am always in a hurry to catch the bus.

8. My natural haircolor is brown but as you might have seen they are blond. I prefer blond cause I have brown eyes and quite a brown skin so in summer I get browner and when I have brown hait it is way to much "brownness" & kinda boring.

10. I love taking pictures but just for fun. Especially when I am on holidays. I m a bit freaky
 I remember when I was for 4 days in London in 2010 for my 17 birthday I made 700 pictures haha OMG. I just love having memories thats why I take so many pictures.

11. This fact is perhaps for some of you a bit creepy. I got 2 toes who stick almost completly together. haha some people think its funny and others just don't understand why & how this can happen.I like it, it makes my feet unique.

12. I love fantasy books- Harry Potter are my favorite! Click here and check out why & discover the Making of Harry Potter. But I love Hunger Games, Twilight, 50 Shades of Grey too. I read all these books before the films came out and when I am at the cinema I am looking for mistakes between the books and the films

13. I made a list of places I' d like to visit! Next station is Portugal-Albufeira with my boyfriend and friends. And for 2015 I might go to Irland for Christmas. My boyfriend and me we love visiting capital cities on Christmas. In our 3 years 2 months of relationship we have been to Paris and London.

14. When I work out I am always wearing something pink as it is my favorite color. I bought new running shoes a few days ago and they are black & pink. Click heret o read the post.

Well these were my 14 facts about me. I hope you read everything and now you know me little bit better.

Samstag, 21. Februar 2015

Brooks running shoes

Hey fitfam
I hope you are enjoying your weekend as much as I do. Todays post is about my new running shoes. YEAH!
Yesterday I was on the road for new running shoes and as I always bought my shoes at the Freelanders shop in a shopping mall called Belle Etoile I went there to do my shopping. Arrived at the shop I was looking what kind of outdoor running shoes they have. Oasics, Nike, Mizuno and Brooks. The customer was very friendly and helped me to find the perfect pair of shoes for my feet. I wanted a pair which I can use in the woods and for asphalt runs as I already have my fitness Nikes.
I tried on 3 pairs. 
1st Nike and I didn´t like them at all, it felt kind of weird like I was wearing brick on my feet. Haha Conclusion: NO. 
2nd Oasics , they squeezed my feet way to much. 
3rd was a brand called Brooks I´ve never heard of.
They are not cheap but as I wanted something that holds and supported my feet I decided that I ll chose Brooks running shoes. They feel so comfy! Check out their page and click here!!!

And here they are

This morning I decided to go for a run and try my new babies.
It was really cold and it started to rain and it was snowing a little while I was running but I continued. I made a 5km but it wasn´t my best run at all. But hey I felt good after the workout and I didn´t give up.
I love my new brook shoes. They are very comfy and the gel attenuations are great! My feet didn´t sweat at all the even felt like there enters fresh air. .I ll use them for the ING Marathon in May. I really have to train harder but I know that once I am all in I can´t stop. The new shoes give me new motivation! And as you know I love pink so the new brooks fit perfectly to my other fitness stuff. They are the most expensive running shoes I ever bought! 160euros but when you have a membercard of the Freelanders shop you get 6% so they cost 150,40euros.

So I can really recommend you brooks running shoes. Here you get some informations.

Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2015

Less is more than nothing

Hi there!
Well finally my semester is over, today I wrote my last exam and now I only have to rewrite a paper about Miltiades but thats okay.
Now I finally got enough time to workout! & I ll do that on friday morning! Yeah.
But during my exams I didn't always have the time to go to the gym especially when I am in Luxembourg because I don't have a fitness membercard here.
I was learning for my exams, it made me kind of nervous that I couldn't workout...
As I was staying home on sunday to study but after several hours I just wanted to go outside. But it was already 5 o'clock and it would be dark quite soon I couldn't go for a run in the woods.

You have to know that when I was a kid I spend every day hours playing or walking in the woods with my dad. He loves the woods and nature as much as I do.
LUCKY ME!  I asked him if we would go for a walk?
& I know my dad he always says yes when it comes to a walk in the woods.
So I took my fancy pants, my polar, my nikes with 1kg weights for each side and my phone with the runtastic app.
We made a long walk across the village and the woods. My dad is always happy when he knows how far he always walks when I am not home. So we always take another way.
Even if it was just a walk I appreciate! It is always better to do a little workout than nothing ;) & as my dad isn't in his 30anymore ;) I ll not push him to much! But sometimes I do. SORRY dad but I know thay you are happy when you did something.

So we walked 7,27km in 1:39 hrs. Uphill & downhill.

With this post just wanted to show you that I think it is important to do walks or workouts with you family. <3

Samstag, 14. Februar 2015

Fit couple

Hey sweeties!
I know I ve been  absent the last weeks but I ve been so busy! I had to learn for some important exams & I even made my fitness workouts at home! But now, I finally have semester holidays! Yeah only one exam on wednesday to go! Wish me luck!

Today I got some news for you which make me very happy. My boyfriend & me we booked our next holiday trip together with his best friend and his girlfriend! So dam dam daaaaam
Keep calm we are going to Albufeira in Portugal! OMG it is way to long to wait but I have no choice. I am so excited because I have never been there & we leave in the morning after my birthday so could there possibly be a better present? Noooo ;)

So summer 2k15 here we go! But my boyfriend decided that he wants to have a nice body for the beach so his plans are: eat healthier, more fitness & swimming. I am so happy, cause now we can work out together & I am not alone anymore. YEAAAH! For both of us there is additionally much more motivation when we can work out together. So on saturday we made our first small couple workout in the evening. We went swimming and we decided that we will swim for at least 3 times a week.

So what I want to tell you is grab your boyfriends and girlfriends and start working out together & Happy Valentines day! :*