Hey readers, I am so so sorry that I haven´t posted anything for over a week but I was really really busy. I finished my STAGE on 9th april an then I had to learn for another exam. After this I had exactly 4 days of vacation haha Wasn´t that much but I was happy that I could be with my love and simple relax and do nothing at all.
Then the summer semester at university started and as I got a very full timetable.
So as soon as univesity started I´ve been busy. I had many new courses and almost no time to workout. This semester is so stressfull I feel like I´ve lost my life during the week. When it comes to the weekend I have to admitt that I don´t do that much for university as I like to spend my time with my love, friends and family.
Currently I am in the 6th semester so it is almost time for my Bachlor thesis. BUT. ´Lucky´me I´ll start writing my Bachelor thesis in october because I changed my subject in the 5th semester from history to french so I have to manage 6 semesters in 2. So I can´t write 3 papers and my bachelor thesis. haha This semester works quite good so far. On 22july my exams started and they finish 2nd august. I NEVER had my exams in such a late periode... So it ruins my summer a little bit as I can only work 2 weeks with the kids in summercamp and this makes me a bit sad as I really love my job.
At the moment I am looking for my bibliographie and subjects for my papers. Professor meeting, discussion a subject and spending my time at the library and learning for these examans which make me quite sick ahhh. but hey only 4 to go an hello summer :D ah can´t wait haha. I mean it is my favorite season of the hair. Ni
I hope that I´ll have some time to go for a little weekend trip with my love. hopefully me.