I joined this network in April 2014 as @laurasusi1408
Why did I choose this name? Well, I took the same name as my blog so it is much more easy for you to remind yourself of my name
First I felt a bit weird about such an account because I didn´t know what shoul I post? Food? Selfies? Random stuff? and all these hashtags OMG everybody used so many hashtags an I was like: What should I tag? But I got on well quite quickly. I was looking for nice accounts and nice persons with a lot of yummi ideas for healthy cooking and lifestyle stuff like: Fitness or any sporty things. And I found some great accounts. Which I ll present you later in this post.
If you wanna have many followers on instagram you have to invest time because followers don´t come easy it is all about liking and commenting and having a great account. BUT I can tell you when you once started with instagram you gonna check out all these new inspiring posts of you followers / abonnents regularly. Eh like every hour *hihi*
I am always looking for some new motivation (but I am person that is quite quickly motivated to hit the gym)
I made a top 9 of my favorite accounts
From left to right.
1. lifting_fairy
is a NAC bikini athlete, she is just amazing! She got such a fighting spirit!
2. eckersamantha
always cooks delivious food so hurry up I swear you will find some new cooking inspiration
always cooks delivious food so hurry up I swear you will find some new cooking inspiration
5. kathyonherway
is a food lover too, she loves doing mugcakes so if you got a microwave try one of her mugcakes recipes
is a food lover too, she loves doing mugcakes so if you got a microwave try one of her mugcakes recipes
9. clairshess
is doing great, she hits the gym everyday and is on her way looking hot as hell. She stays focused and I am happy to see her progress!
is doing great, she hits the gym everyday and is on her way looking hot as hell. She stays focused and I am happy to see her progress!