Donnerstag, 19. März 2015

Do it by choice

hi fitfam,
the weekend is almost there and tomorrow is my free day! Yeah I get some time for a long bicycle tour in the morning. Can't wait. ( I think it is better for my knee than running) This morning the alarm clock woke me up at 6 a.m and normally I get up at 6:40 a.m but I ve planned that I ll try to go for a morning run on an empty stomach. Lifting Fairy (You absolutely have to check out her blog if you haven't yet) once said that it is good to go on an empty stomach run and that your body burns even more kcal & so I did. 

Grabbed my brooks and my headphones and GO! Well at the moment I am so motivated ! In sports and healty eating. It felt so good to breathe in this fresh morning air and the landscapes were all mine. I met anybody and I felt a bit like I am the only person who is already on track. 
My run wasn't that long and good. Cause after 2km my knee hurt so much.. shitty knee. Since a week it hurts again. I have to see the doc because I can't give up running.

In todays post I want to tell you why it is important that you have goals and that you do what you love.

First of all you need to ask yourself for who you re doing all this? For you or for others who told you , you can't. Forget the others and if you can't tell them: I can and I will, watch me! 
Sure it is human that we wanna be better than somebody else but shouldn't we tell ourself that we are doing all this for us and our body? Shouldn't our goals be that we want to be better than we were yesterday?! That's what I do. I am always looking for new fitspiration but then I addapt it to my lifestyle and my fitness rythm because everybody is different! Of course nobody will tell you : 'Oh cool you re better than me' or 'great you lift more than I do'. So stay focused what do YOU want.

As you might recognized I got a new instagram account. Follow me -> @thepowerinsideme I deleted the old one because I was to busy with this media stuff.. on my new account I ll post less but I hope that I still can motivate some of you! :) so step by.

I never do sports because somebody  is "watching". I do it because I feel great during sports I like the challenge feeling I get in the gym. It is a way I want to live! Thats why I do it because I LOVE it. I don't like it when people copy somebody but most of time they do... I am not afraid of failures cause it is always a lesson! And nobody has the right to judge somebody in the gym! Respect each other and don't drag them down. Everbody is there by choice and everbody has to start somewhere!  Okai sometimes I think : what the hell are they doing here? But immediatly I tell myself don't judge cause you don't know what they have bee through. I prefer to train alone. In sports I am very anti-social.

Tonight I had a second workout 9,5km op cycling an then 500meters to calm my legs down. I FEEL GREAT & now some tea and then it is already bedtime .

Good night, stay fit & workout because you love it.