Montag, 27. April 2015

between wands & butterbeer

Hey sweethearts
well it's been a while I ve posted my "The boy who lived" post, click here to check it out, While I was in London I visited the Making of, of Harry Potter with Michel & it was SO amazing. But as you might recognized I didn´t show you what I bought at the shop so todays post is all about my Harry Potter stuff. Whooop! I can tell you , everybody who enters the shop will go out with at least 3 new things. ;)
At the shop you can buy sooooo many things from candys to clothes to games, wands,books and other small souvenirs.

So let´s start with the first thing I bought during the tour at the Warner brothers studios.
1-While we were walking around you could dress up as a student from Hogwarts and ´´fly´´on a broom and take this picture! You can choose the background and then put it into this snowframe. Just had to buy this for 12 pounds. My own Hogwarts christmas present. ( I got the pin for free)

Freitag, 24. April 2015

Healthy ice cream Part II

Yeah fitfam it´s finally friday`!
I hope your day is as great as mine. I´ve been busy today and made an apple pie ( reciepe will be on the blog next week so stay stuned) & a NEW healthy ice cream.
As I already posted an healthy ice cream and it was successfull I decided to do another one.
OMNOMNOM this one isn´t 100% healthy but almost.
So here we go for the next one!

You need:
  • 2 bananas
  • 1/2 apple
  • 1/2 pear
  • 50ml almondmilk
  • grated dark chocolat 
  • 1 raspberry yoghurt (I took one alpro yoghurt) 

Mittwoch, 22. April 2015

Healthy ice cream Part I

Sun is up fitfam!
ahh I love these sunny spring days. The sun is up quit early the birds are singing and every morning I am in a good mood as soon as I wake up. I make my breakfast and since yesterday I go to university by bike! Yep everday 13km. I just love spring and I want to do some extra trainings for my body. You know, summer is coming and I want to feel great in my bikini. So no sweets and icecream.
Ehhh wait, no ice cream?
YES but healthy ice cream. Whooop!

When I came home from the gym where  I burned  900kcal it was still so warm outside and I just wanted to have some ice cream but I told myself: No way! stay strong and eat something healthy.

Then I had the idea to create my own ´icecream´ it´s a sort of frozen smoothie. yeah!

You  need:
  • 1 yoghurt of your choice (I took blackberries)
  • 7 strawberries
  • 11 raspberries
  • 50ml almondmilk
  • 10-15gr of grated coconut 

  1.  Cut your strawberries in 4 pieces
  2.  Put your yoghurt, the almond milk, 5 strawberries & 8 raspberries in a blender and mix it well
  3.  Take a little box and put the mixture in
  4.  Add the rest fruits on the top
  5.  Last but not least put your coconut rasps on the top
  6.  Close your box and put it for 3-4 hours into your freezer
&& tada its done! Enjoy!  :D

Montag, 20. April 2015

Aprils newcomer

hi everybody well as you might have seen april is playing around with the weather.
one day 24 degrees and the other day back to 12 degrees. I hope May will be better.

I got some new stuff which I ll show you in todays post. It is about food ,beauty and fitness, so all this in one post. Yeah! I´ve been very keen when it comes to shopping. But all my new stuff wasn't that expensive so don't worry everbody can buy the new products. I spended about 30euros for everything.
It contains:
  • fitness / running tights
  • Kölln oat cookies
  • Protein müsli by mymüsli
  • Bebe young care duschgel
Lets start with my new favorite tights by ENERGETICS and they are called: D-Tight Zossi. I bought them at the Intersport shop in Germany for 19,95. I fell in love with them and so as you can imagine they are pink with purple,grey and black. I juts love them. They exist in another color. Check it out here. I already tried them during a cycling tour and I am very impressed! The lenght is perfect as I don´t like tights which goes further than my ankles and it matches perfect with my body. They are made of a DRY PLUS material so it keeps you dry and comfortable.

2nd newin are yummy Oat cookies by Kölln. It is a german Label and I love their normal breakfast oats. But I am very happy that I found these oat cookies. In one box there are 10 cookies and every single one is wrapped. ( it is not very ecologic) I like them because they are perfect as a little snack with fruits & as they are wrapped in one plastic bag there is only one cookie you don´t risk to eat to much. ;) everbodycanrelate.  The price for the 10 cookies is a bit expensive 2,15 euro but I like them so I´ll buy them anyway.

3rd product is a new müsli by by mymüsli. I took the proteinmüsli for athletes as it is the one with less sugar but I think it is still way to much in there. The müsli is made of crunchy oats, whole oats, soy flakes, figs, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds and strawberries. I have it with some instant oats and almond- or ricemilk. There a so many different müslis check out the website of mymüsli. Click here and create your own one! This müsli is quite cheap, you can get it for 7,90.

4th and last new product is a new Pomegranate Smoothie Duschgel by Bebe young care . It is a new Edition and I bought it for 1,19€. So that price is really okay. I had to buy it cause ehhm its pink and it smells so good! Even a while after you took a shower you can still smell it on your skin. It smells so fresh an reminds me of summer and fruits. It gives me a "summer is already there" feeling.This duschgel makes ma a bit hungry an tursty everytime I see cause it got these Pomegranate seeds as illustration & because of the name "Smoothie" ;)
Stay fit and I hope you´ll try some of these. :)

Donnerstag, 16. April 2015

instagram account

Hey fitfam, how you're doing?
 Well I had an instagram account called lauragetsfit.14 but a few weeks ago I decided to delete it & create a new one with the same name as my blog!
Now you can find me under ---> thepowerinsideme ! I hope that I can give you some motivation, new ideas or just entertain you.
My instagram is a bit of everything. Food, Hobbys, running & cycling stuff while I´m having an fit student life. Just check it out and follow me!
 I like being on instagram to find new reciepes and yummi meals. Even to find some new motivation when mine is on vacation haha and I am part of another blog with 3 friends just cklick here to check it out and follow us on our instagram account too
 I´ll show you some pics so you can see what I post on my instagram profile
fresh smoothie in the morning


having some berries in the sun


Samstag, 11. April 2015

the passion is back

Hey sweeties, how you re doing?
I hope you are enjoying these sunny days here in Luxembourg. The weather is fantastic! Friday was my very last workday until May. YEAH!
Todays post is all about my passion. Running &since a few weeks cycling.
As I fell in love with athletics at the age of 9-10 I had hundreds of trainings and ups and downs. But the most important for  me is : I NEVER gave up. I already wrote another post about that. -story of a fighter

When I stopped athletics I played basketball for 2 years but teamsports isn't for me. Haha
And then I was in a time where I didn't do sports at all and I really can't tell you why... I lost the passion in running. I didn't fell comfortable. When I went to university 1 1/2 year ago I decided that I ll do again some sports and fitness & so I did!
I went to the gym almost everyday! & 1 year ago I started to eat clean and healthy. So my day routine was like: get up, prepare breakfast, go to university & to the gym, go home, cook and go to bed & I love it. Okay I am not that hard with myself but I think Ive found the right way for me to stay happy, healthy and fit! :)
Since my semester vacation I restarted to go for runs and cycling tours. I feel so free and the most important for me is that my runs and tours becam something I am heart over head all in!

A run starts when you stop thinking.

& so it is. I just grab my stuff an run, I forget about the world, I just listen to my music and run & when I want to take a break I do it. I breathe in some fresh air and enjoy that I do my runs with passion.

So in april I made about 100km & in one week I ll be back in Saarbrücken and hit the gym again! Yeah and I'll cycle everyday to university. So shit is getting very serious ;) haha