I hope your start into our last month of the year and for some of your probably the most beautiful one as great. Before all the christmas posts an present reviews I thought that we shouldn´t forget what happened in november.
So today I just want to show you what my november was all about and I´ll relink you my november posts. So keep on reading ;)
Well when I look back my november was quite stressfull as I had so much to do for university that I only went to the gym once. So december will be better. I swear, ´cause after all this yummi christmas food I m sure I ll gaint at least 2 pounds haha but hey Christmas is only once a year ;)
If you want to see more of my journey then follow me in instagram :) click there -> laurasusi1408
1. Enjoying some tea
2. Memories with my best one <3
3. Vegan Burger by JAY & JAY fresh food
4. Found some kids street art love
5. Puff pastry with apple sauce
6. cosy outfit
7. 25. November first snow of the year ;D
8. already got a christmas present for my love
9. throwback to this delicious breakfast at Princis in London
1. JAY & JAY Freshfood review click here
2. Vegan ginger cupcakes by Jamie Oliver click here
3. DIY adventcalendar for my boyfriend click here
4. Apple roses click here
last but not least
1. Enjoyinng my thursday with my lovely friend vanessa <3
2. Celebrating Vanessas birthday
3. in need of traveling- next destination London only 105 days to go!