well well last week I was looking for some clothes: a jeans and a pullover as I am leaving for london next monday I wanted to add another comfy outfit to my wardrobe but the first thing I saw & I had to buy wasn´t a jeans at all haha. It were some fancy blue grey sporty thights and a sports bra. Ooops. Ok both is comfy but I think I ´ll look like a weirdo when I walk in fitness tight through the city.
As I had a gift card it felt sooo good to spent my money on the tights the bra and fortunately I found what I was looking for a dark blue jeans and a black pullover on which is written: Manhattan.
I love to spend money for fitness stuff but I don´t like to buy tights that cost a fortune thats why most oft the time I buy my stuff at the H&M store. haha Am I the only one? Everytime I buy gym clothes I am so motivated to try them, so I always do the next workout on the same day.
I got the tights for 20euros and a flashy yellow/ grey bra for 15 euros. I am super happy with these two. You can´t see through the tights and the bra feels so comfy that I almost think that I am wearing any. haha