Samstag, 9. Mai 2015


What a lovely friday I had !
Couldn't be better. I spend some time at home with my family and also with my boyfriend & the weather was nice.
But perhaps you are wondering why this post is called Dreamdays? I'll tell you!

In a few days, well a few is a bit excessive but when you're busy the days go by so fast.
So only 98 days to go! & summer is finally there.

With summer I mean: no school, good weather, no worries, sun, cocktails, beach, long nights, chilling and fun with my friends.

And these 98 days motivate me quite much, that's why I started a challenge a few days ago. 102 days without chocolate, cookies, sugar and so on & yesterday my friends ate chips and I resisted happy me. :) In summer I ll spend a week with my boyfriend and friends.

So the destination is:
Whoooop whoooop :)
To I need new trendy summer clothes and some motivation to finish the semester and get a giod body.
So 3,2,1 GO :)