Montag, 1. Dezember 2014

my monday

was great !!!

yeah lovelies it was monday again, haha I think not everyone likes mondays but I do.

I tell you why!

Monday is great because when your start your week in a good way I think nothing can bring you down anymore even not 7 hours of university on a saturday from 10 a.m-5p.m (like mine this week).

So I decided to show you what I do on a monday!

you can take a look at my lovely monday and I hope you realize that monday isn´t something bad. *hihi*

first of course

Getting up yeah! the early bird catches the worm

Getting up at 6:30 a.m

 and then


healthy rocery shopping


Breakfast / Müsli, banana, alpro yoghurt & 1st Tea of my advent calendar


Stepper 3km & Cycling 10 km & rowing 5km

Gym selfie haha



Chichen Tikka Masalla

Then I had university lessons from  2 p.m-6 p.m

Social-and Culturehistory of the USA & The Roman Britain



dinner preparation for tomorrow !

Well this was my monday & it wasn´t that bad :D

I hope you enjoyed it

You can follow me on my instagram ! Link here --> laurasusi1408