Meals & Grocery shopping
I am sorry that I did not post anything these last days. But today I got something for you.Well as you might know, I live alone in my flat in Saarbrooklyn. So I can do whatever I want but I also have to cook for myself everyday! Pehaps most of you think that it is boring to cook for yourself. But I have to say that I just LOVE it. Yes I really do, because I can cook whatever I want and nobody will eat my food *haha*. Everything is for me.
But first you have to go and do some grocery shopping. So let´s go! WAIT !
Did you make a shopping list? Well I don´t think so.
It is important that you think about what you wanna buy and that you write it down. If you don´t do it, you´ll go to the shop and buy whatever you can see and think ahh well this and this and this & in the end you´ve bought so much more than you wanted. And I bet that you bought so many crap for example cookies or some soda or some small chocolate bars !
Sit down and take your time to write your list
- Plan your meals for the entire week (so you don´t have to go to the grocery a second time)
- Always buy some meat, fruits and vegetables an water!
- Avoid to go past the chocolate and cookies section
Whenever you prepare your meals you should count the time in you need to prepare them. Preparation is the key ! So perhaps you can buy some boxes and prepare all your meals in one day and put them in your fridge. Now you don´t need to think anymore: What should I eat today and tomorrow? Here some inspiration and what I love to eat in the evening.