Dienstag, 5. Januar 2016

Sushi part 1

Hey readers,
well today is such a rainy day and so to bright it up I got the first recipe of the year for you.
My lovely boyfriend made me an amazing present for Christmas. I had no idea what present I would get from him so when he gave me my two presents for Christmas I opened them and screamed and I felt like a kid again.

He gave me a big Japanese cooking book and a DIY sushi box! OMG I love sushi and he doesn´t. So it was a big surprise for me that he offers me this present as he can´t benefit from it :P

So todays post is about my first try to make sushi.

In the box I got:

  • 2 pairs of chopsticks 
  • 1 sushi mat
  • 1 small recipe book 
  • 1 knife to cut the sushi rolls 
  • 3 little boxes to form your sushis

What you need for 3 suhsi rolls:
  • 1/4 avocado
  • 1 carrot
  • 1/4 cumcumber
  • some salad
  • 250gr of sushi rice
  • 3 Tbsp of sushi vinegar
  • 2-3 nori sheets / seaweed
  • soy sauce

How to do:
  1. take 250 gr of sushi rice, wash it a few times until you have clear water then cook it until the water is gone
  2. take a nori sheet and distribute the rice. IMPORTANT-  your hands have to be wet and cold otherwise the rice will adhere on your hands
  3. cut your veggies into long slices
  4. put them on your rice
  5. now roll your sushi together, be sure that you roll tightly
  6. cut your roll into pieces 
  7. fill a little bowl with soy sauce
& enjoy!