Mittwoch, 5. November 2014


Evening lovelies, well as I said my blog is also about my days through Fitness.

 Yeah Yeah everybody knows that fitness is expensive (at least in Luxembourg). So while I was at school in Luxembourg I never went to the fitness because in my opinion 50euros is way too much. And there was no fitness who was close to my village. ( I don´t have my own car)


when I came here to Saarbrooklyn for my Arthistory studies at Saarbrooklyn University I decided that I´ll start my fitness sessions. And I can tell you it was so easy! We have our own fitness at our university campus and it is for everybody. So I made a contract for 1 year and I only have to pay 18euro per month. No I didn´t write a mistake *hihi*. 

The first time I went to the fitness I had to pass an introduction and I got a trainer. Together we made a workout plan. And then I could start my workouts.

Today I only had a little workout because I´ve been sick the last days & as you know it is not that healthy to workout when you´re sick.

Therefore I´ll show you my fitness and some of my fitness stuff. 

I love going to my fitness, people a friendly, respect you and nobody makes fun of anybody who isn´t that good. 

As I always say