Donnerstag, 16. April 2015

instagram account

Hey fitfam, how you're doing?
 Well I had an instagram account called lauragetsfit.14 but a few weeks ago I decided to delete it & create a new one with the same name as my blog!
Now you can find me under ---> thepowerinsideme ! I hope that I can give you some motivation, new ideas or just entertain you.
My instagram is a bit of everything. Food, Hobbys, running & cycling stuff while I´m having an fit student life. Just check it out and follow me!
 I like being on instagram to find new reciepes and yummi meals. Even to find some new motivation when mine is on vacation haha and I am part of another blog with 3 friends just cklick here to check it out and follow us on our instagram account too
 I´ll show you some pics so you can see what I post on my instagram profile
fresh smoothie in the morning


having some berries in the sun
