Dienstag, 4. November 2014


I know not everbody likes having breakfast, because they are not hungry in the morning, they don´t know what to eat or they say that they have no time. But i can tell you they just talk out of. Because our body needs to be fed in the morning to start the day. When I started university a year ago I had to make my own breakfast every morning. At the beginning it was a bit difficult not to quit but now I got used to and I have to avow that my favorite meal is breakfast. Because when you had a good delicious breakfast you´ll not be hungry until lunchtime! To have a healthy breakfast you can  feed your stomach with some proteins, fruits, tea and for me something important carbohydrates in the morning. So you don´t have or even need to eat much other carbohydrates during the day.

Here some breakfast recipes


Weetabix with fruits & oat milk

You need:

  • 2 Weetabix ´cookies´

  • a hand full of strawberries ( or other fruits)

  • Oat milk


1.Take to Weetabix cookies and crush them with a spoon in a bowl

2. Wash and cut your strawberries into small pieces and at them to the weetabix

3. Fill your bowl with 100-150ml oat milk

4. Mix everything and your breakfast is done

It only takes a few minutes, but if you wanna save time cut your fruits the previous evening.


Wholemeal flour, protein powder & fruit pancakes with Green Tea 

For 4-5 Pancakes

You need:

  • 45 Gr wholemeal flour

  • 30 Gr protein powder

  • 1 egg

  • 1 TS agave sugar or stevia

  • 100ml Oatmilk 

  • Strawberries

  • Pears

  • Apricots

  • Green Tea


1. Put all the ingredienst except the fruits and the green tea *hihi*

2. Mix it until you have a slightly liquid dough

3. Put the dough in a pan with a soupspoon of olive oil

4. Cut your fruits and put them in a decoratic way on your plate, the German say:Das Auge isst mit ;)

5.Put your pancakes on the plate and use some fruits as Topping

6.Boil water and put your teabag in acup, wait 3-4 miuntes and then put it out , now you have a delicious full flavour Green Tea


other recipes are coming soon